PaviPlay 50x50 corner, 15mm

  • Manufacturer Pavigym
  • Article 000042-00
  • Available for order: 0
  • Available for partner order 0
this brand is Professionals' choice
this brand is Professionals' choice
fitstore is authorized dealer
fitstore is authorized dealer
red (1) 000042-RD
14.00 €
green (1) 000042-GREEN
14.00 €
From 14.00€

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  • Manufacturer Pavigym
  • Article 000042-00
  • Available for order: 0
  • Available for partner order 0
this brand is Professionals' choice
this brand is Professionals' choice
fitstore is authorized dealer
fitstore is authorized dealer

Pavigym - the most hygienic gym flooring on the market. They provide solutions to improve the fitness experience to its fullest. Pavigym floors are impermeable non-porous virgin rubber, antibacterial and easy to clean. Their mission is to provide the best combination of performance flooring, interactive technology, inspiring design, and the best quality flooring you can find on the nowadays market.

Pavigym is our go to brand when we are designing new gyms, because their rubber flooring has everything needed in nowadays modern gyms - quality, hygiene, and interactivity, so more people would hop on fitness experience.

Now is the best time to update and improve!

Pavigym Catalogs: can be found here

Founded By: Pedro Requena      Headquarters: Alicante, Spain      Brand: Founded in 1963



Our team

Timo Pulkkinen
Timo Pulkkinen
Sport has always been close to his heart. Now develops relationships with customers and takes care of sales in Finland.
Aatu Lukkarinen
Aatu Lukkarinen
He always accurate and makes sure that every detail is in place, everything is screwed as it needs to be.

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